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Lancer`s management team visited Sabu Siddique hospital

Under our Healthcare CSR department, we are collaborating with Sabu Siddique hospital, so On 16 June 2020, Lancer’s Management team paid visit to Sabu Siddique hospital. 

In this meeting, the management offered help and the hospital procured the specialized and technologically advanced Electromechanical General Surgery OT Table.


Lancer Supports a young talent!

We, at Lancer, have extended our support to emerging players in the field of sports and encourages them to be the best in the game. We are providing financial and non-financial support to the sportsman who has immense potential and someone who will go the extra mile to win. Mr. Amzeer Shaikh is our first of many sports players chosen under Lancer’s sports development program.

 Mr. Azmeer Shaikh

Mr. Azmeer Shaikh - An emerging National player in the field of tennis and ASA tennis Centre is naturing him to be the best in the field. He plays for various national competitions and  Recently he played a tournament at Chennai which was nationals in which he reached the pre-quarters finals 

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